The Scars Foundation has been established by Sully Erna of Godsmack to help raise awareness of the mental health issues that so many are faced with today.
With the rise of suicides, bullying, addiction, abuse and so many other challenges, The Scars Foundation is dedicated to help provide resources, tools, educate and empower people on a global level that struggle with these burdens.
"We are imperfectly perfect!" says Sully Erna.
The Scars Foundation is determined to help people learn how to accept these imperfections and embrace them as their battle wounds from life, to own them, and show them off proudly to the world, rather than hide them and suffer in silence. With your continued support and generosity, together we can help make a difference in the lives of so many!
Sera Kok "Happy Birthday Loay! You’ve always been there to help me heal my scars—inside and out—with your kindness, understanding, and constant support. To honor you and the impact you've had on my life, I’m donating to the Scars Foundation in your ...
Spencer Gephart I suffer from multiple addictions, adhd, and anxiety....just want to do something to make a difference because I know the struggle and just hope it helps someone who is struggling with these issues. Thank you so much to Sully Erna for think...
- Elizabeth ALBERT
“It’s not one moment in time that defines you; it’s moment after moment of you defining time” JustBNow3❤️❤️❤️
Evaristo Martinez 4Thank you very much for everything you guys do, from someone who has been getting therapy sessions for several years now I know the difference a simple positive note/comment can make on your mental state.
E.MartinezIVAN B PENA 1I believe we need to spread the word about how much mental health effects everyone! We all need to get involved so that day comes when we all win!
Dominique Cannizzaro 1LOVE my Scars Family! 💙