PURE - People for Urban and Rural Education logo

PURE - People for Urban and Rural Education

PURE is a global NPO founded to bring educational opportunities closer to the economically disadvantaged children and youth.

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PURE, People for Urban and Rural Education, is a not for profit organization founded in year 2016 to bring educational and livelihood opportunities closer to the economically disadvantaged children, at-risk youth and special populations.

We at PURE …

  • strive to address the insufficiencies in disadvantaged rural and urban schools, children’s shelters and special need centers.
  • diligently work to facilitate sustainable empowerment through education with complete transparency and accountability to the sponsors.
  • aim to empower special populations through education and gifts of mobility, reaffirming our belief in quality life for all.
  • aspire to bring students from diverse socio-economic and geographical backgrounds together for a better tomorrow. PURE is built on four pillars – TeamPURE, PUREGurus, PUREVolunteers and PURESponsors
Saint Johns, FL
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 81-2726747
