Joel Ramírez

Latuvi Conservation Project


Proyectos Para un Futuro Mejor, in collaboration with local community leadership, is at the forefront of the Latuvi Conservation Project. This pioneering initiative is dedicated to the documentation and preservation of the unique flora, fauna, geographical features, and archaeological sites in this pristine region of Mexico. Through this initiative, we aim to promote community education around conservation efforts, foster community engagement in decision-making processes, and support ecotourism endeavors.

Our mission is fueled by a profound belief in the power of local knowledge, conservation, community benefit, and ecotourism, all working harmoniously toward a common good. Your unwavering support remains pivotal to our collective success.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to those who have already generously contributed to our cause. Your support has enabled us to kickstart the project and commence the preliminary study. For those who haven't had the opportunity to donate yet, fret not—there is still much more we aspire to accomplish with this initiative, and instructions on how to contribute are provided below.

We have already accomplished the first objective of the project, completing a comprehensive catalogue of the local wildlife, vegetation, and features of importance to the communities. The result was a first of its kind book and visual guides that display Santa Maria Latuvi’s astonishing biodiversity.

Looking forward to the second phase of this project we will increase the catalogue to include mammals, medicinal plants, a study on the cultural attributes and significance of these, and increase community outreach and education efforts.

In the near future, with your support, we plan to increase the area under study by adding additional elevations and microinches of biodiversity. We will also explore the increasing black market trade for exotic species from Oaxaca that results from the exploitation of poverty in these remote communities.

In the next phase of the initiative, we will Involve additional communities working together on conversation topics, thereby increasing about the impact of this project across a great area and more people. That includes you!

If being a part of this initiative has sparked an interest in visiting the area in person, we are thrilled! For additional information and tourist services in the Latuvi area, please visit the following links: Latuvi Oaxaca Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/LatuviOaxaca/?locale=es_LA and Sierra Norte Tourism Website https://sierranorte.org.mx/#/centro/2 and let us know if you plan to travel.

We know we can count on your support!

We are committed to the development and economic growth of families in rural areas of Mexico.



  • Steve Kunkel1