Around the world, people are coming together to create the change they want to see in the world by joining a giving circle. This way of giving enables people to increase their impact and knowledge, have fun, and connect with their local community.
Giving circles have exploded in popularity, growing to more than 2,500 circles with 150,000+ people joining over the last two decades. Philanthropy Together (PhT) is a global initiative, co-created by hundreds of giving circle and network leaders, to scale and strengthen this movement to more than 350,000 people in 3,000 giving circles, collectively giving $1 billion by 2025.
Our mission at PhT is to democratize and diversify philanthropy through the power of giving circles. We envision a world full of passionate, empowered, diverse individuals giving collectively and intentionally to create the world they want to see.
- Mark Ulrich2
Thought-provoking and inspiring workshop on communal giving, thank you Philanthropy Together!
- Rahul Gupta-Iwasaki1
Giving together is so much better than giving alone!
- Isis Krause
Collective giving is so powerful!
- G C2