Partnership for Development in Kampuchea (PADEK) logo

Partnership for Development in Kampuchea (PADEK)

Padek organization focuses on disaster preparedness, livelihood support, education initiatives, and women's empowerment to enhance community resilience and improve lives in vulnerable areas.

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The Cambodian non-government organization Partnership for Development in Cambodia (PADEK) is dedicated to improving the livelihoods and quality of life of disadvantaged rural communities. Their primary goal is to uplift the living conditions of the most vulnerable and extremely poor households by supporting community savings, livelihood enhancement, disaster resilience, and promoting people's participation in governance and gender equity. 
PADEK operates at both the local and national levels, focusing on the following working areas: Pursat Town and Kandieng district in Pursat Province, Kampong Chhnang Town in Kampong Chhnang Province, Sangkae district in Battambang Province, Angkor Chum and Angkor Thom districts in Siem Reap province, Chetra Borei district in Kratie province, and Peam Chilang district in Tbong Khmum province. 
PADEK's disaster management expertise encompasses three key areas:
1) Emergency Relief and Response involving medical support, psychosocial support, food relief, emergency food rations, and shelter management;
2) Livelihood Recovery, which focuses on providing alternative livelihood support and capacity building to restore/strengthen people's means of living; and
3) Disaster Risk Reduction, which includes risk assessments, contingency planning, disaster risk mapping, capacity building for disaster preparedness among local community groups, and conducting disaster drills. With 16 staff members, including leaders, 4 program staff, 2 admin and finance staff, and 8 field staff, PADEK is well-prepared to respond promptly to any disaster events.



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