NTI designs innovative threat-reduction projects that show governments the way and build momentum and support for action.
We work with presidents and prime ministers, scientists and technicians, educators and students, and people from around the world. We collaborate with partners worldwide. And we use our voice to raise awareness and advocate for creative solutions.
- Brian Higdon2
Nuclear weapons are an existential risk to humanity's forward progress.
- Vincent Weißer1
existential risks are real
- Konrad Seifert3
On top of its excellent information products, NTI has been doing promising policy outreach. As stuck as things might seem, figuring out how to advance international relations is crucial for reducing nuclear and biological threats.
- Daniel P1
I am an existential person and this is certainly an existential challenge for us all. Peace and love.
- Brandon High3
Fallout is a good game, but a terrible reality.