NSW Rural Fire Service Association (RFSA) logo

NSW Rural Fire Service Association (RFSA)

Providing practical support to rural firefighting volunteers assisting with major fire, flood and other natural disaster.

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The RFSA's primary purpose is to provide tangible programs, initiatives, and advocacy that directly supports rural firefighters in their role safeguarding the people of New South Wales (NSW) during bushfire and other emergencies. Its unwavering commitment lies in serving its members and ensuring their vital contribution to the community is recognised and supported.

The RFSA offers an extensive range of operational and welfare support to rural firefighting volunteers, encompassing various initiatives such as sponsorship of training exercises and events, providing educational scholarships, organising RFSA Family Days, facilitating chaplaincy services, counselling, and family support, engaging in advocacy efforts, and funding a Brigade and District Grants Program.

These comprehensive offerings underscore the RFSA's commitment to enhancing the well-being and capabilities of firefighting volunteers.

With public support, the RFSA plays a crucial role in contributing to the resilience and effectiveness of Australia’s volunteer bush fire brigades.


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