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New Horizon Irvine

An Independent Islamic School in Irvine, California distinguished as a strong academic institution in line with Islamic values of excellence.


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New Horizon Irvine is committed to providing students with an excellent academic education and firm grounding in moral and ethical values. New Horizon Irvine fosters a dedication to God through virtuous living in a progressive Islamic environment. New Horizon seeks to develop in each student a positive identity as an American Muslim who is prepared intellectually, socially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically to succeed as leaders in tomorrow’s world. New Horizon students are expected to integrate academic skills, Qur’anic principles, and ethical behavior in order to make positive contributions to the global community. New Horizon aims to develop in each student a balanced character enriched with knowledge, inspired to excellence, and committed to the betterment of family, community, and humanity.
Irvine, CA
Mid-sized organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 27-0810146


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