Matushree Parsanba Charitable Trust

Education and holistic training program to empower developmentally challenged children

Disabled children particularly from poor and illiterate families have difficult lives.  They have to cope with not only physical changes, emotional anxieties and social conflicts but also with those produced by their disability.  Myths and misconceptions about disability compound the issue and force them to be isolated, ostracized and marginalized, sometimes even by family members.

It is proven that with right environment, training and rehabilitation they can lead independent lives despite severe disabilities and not be a burden on parents. Intervention, however, must occur early but it cannot occur by mandate or parents alone. It must be initiated in an organized and scientific manner. India being a large demography, state alone hasn’t been able to penetrate to the extent needed. Therefore, it becomes necessary for NGOs to bridge the gap.

Rehab program for children with developmental disabilities serves as a change agent in the society that is attempting to give equal opportunities to all its members. Children with disabilities have to be helped to acquire a positive sense of self, self-confidence and self-respect. While it is true to a certain degree that such children cannot be trained to compete with normal children in the present competitive environment, it is definitely possible to develop their potential and integrate many of them in to the mainstream of society to the extent that they can lead an independent life to a considerable level & restore their self respect.

In order to fulfill its social responsibility Matushree Parsanba Charitable Trust is running a centre SANKALP  for providing training and rehabilitation to children with developmental disability in Vadodara since 2008. Besides class rooms, SANKALP has  a fully equipped Sensory Integration Room, Physiotherapy and Audiology units, Speech Training Facilities, music & indoor games rooms, two vans for transporting children to & fro their home.  It also has a medical advisory board consisting of specialist from different branches, for ascertaining and guidance of the medical/physical needs of children.

As a result of getting planned & appropriate training/ rehabilitation program under professional guidance, all children demonstrate progress in self-help, cognitive, communication, behavioral, gross motor skills & socialization in varying degree.

The Program being free, it saves cost for providing care & to that extent also it gives parents relief besides giving them 7 hours free time to engage in other pursuits. SANKALP also conducts Public awareness events to sensitize public and generate empathy towards such children & make them acceptable as a part of society. Once individual child & family are benefitted, it automatically brings improvement in society at large in terms of social justice and a better happiness index.

Sankalp promotes “CHANGE IN ATTITUDES” so that all children can participate in all aspects of life. It serves children with developmental disabilities without any discrimination based on gender, caste, economic or social background, religion and political affiliation.

Matushree Parsanba Charitable Trust is hosted at Myriad USA
Matushree Parsanba Charitable Trust is hosted at Myriad USA

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