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Ron and Granada Need Your Help

Today we're raising funds for two special needs pets who need a little extra help:

Sweet Ron, a majestic and loving soul, has faced a challenging battle with severe anemia. His strength and courage through recovery have inspired us all, and we're thrilled to share that he's making a wonderful comeback. However, Ron's journey to complete health includes a crucial step: dental surgery to extract painful teeth and restore his comfort and happiness. With an estimated cost of $600 for his dental work, we're close to ensuring Ron can start his new life with an adopter who's already fallen for his gentle charm.

Granada, a delicate kitten with a spirit as vibrant as her namesake, is struggling in a battle of her own. At nearly 5 months old, she remains a tiny figure, weighing just 2 pounds despite a hearty appetite and normal kitten behaviors. Granada's mystery condition requires extensive diagnostic testing to uncover the root of her growth challenges, with costs expected to reach $1,500. Her journey is one of hope and determination, and with your help, we can unlock the answers she needs to thrive.

Your generous contributions can directly support the medical care and procedures Ron and Granada need. Every dollar brings them closer to health and happiness. Any amount raised over their needs will help additional pets in need.

If a monetary donation is out of reach, please know we're just glad you're here. Sharing our work is so impactful in making our work possible too.

Next milestone

$120 Annual recurring total

Ron and Granada Need Your Help

Today we're raising funds for two special needs pets who need a little extra help:

Sweet Ron, a majestic and loving soul, has faced a challenging battle with severe anemia. His strength and courage through recovery have inspired us all, and we're thrilled to share that he's making a wonderful comeback. However, Ron's journey to complete health includes a crucial step: dental surgery to extract painful teeth and restore his comfort and happiness. With an estimated cost of $600 for his dental work, we're close to ensuring Ron can start his new life with an adopter who's already fallen for his gentle charm.

Granada, a delicate kitten with a spirit as vibrant as her namesake, is struggling in a battle of her own. At nearly 5 months old, she remains a tiny figure, weighing just 2 pounds despite a hearty appetite and normal kitten behaviors. Granada's mystery condition requires extensive diagnostic testing to uncover the root of her growth challenges, with costs expected to reach $1,500. Her journey is one of hope and determination, and with your help, we can unlock the answers she needs to thrive.

Your generous contributions can directly support the medical care and procedures Ron and Granada need. Every dollar brings them closer to health and happiness. Any amount raised over their needs will help additional pets in need.

If a monetary donation is out of reach, please know we're just glad you're here. Sharing our work is so impactful in making our work possible too.

Next milestone

$120 Annual recurring total

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-4229672

Lil BUB is a one of a kind space cat. Since landing on Earth, she's raised over $1,000,000 for homeless pets nationwide.


    Next milestone

    $120 Annual recurring total

    33 supporters
    A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-4229672

    Lil BUB is a one of a kind space cat. Since landing on Earth, she's raised over $1,000,000 for homeless pets nationwide.

    33 supporters