Lil BUB’s Big Fund exists to advocate for special needs companion animals and build a community that celebrates and fosters the human-animal bond. With a focus on animals that are the most difficult to adopt, the most expensive to care for, and are at a high risk of euthanasia.
Lil BUB’s Big Fund provides access to care for special needs pets nationwide. We work with community leaders, shelters, and rescues nationwide to create special needs focused frameworks. We visit schools to promote kindness and inclusion. Through our work, we share BUB’s message of overcoming adversity and the knowledge that the things that make us different are worthy of being seen and appreciated.
- Katherine Marie Hagerott
We need to protect our beautiful furry friends.
Bridget Irish 1Donating in honor of Lil BUB and our own BUB-ish kitty, Frankie. To help remove financial obstacles individuals and families may encounter when caring for their furamily members.
- Mary Johnson
I love animals of all types
Cathy Haught 10No little life should be thrown away because it is too much time, money, and/or trouble to save it. As long as there are people who are willing and skilled to take the time and trouble to help, I want to do my part by helping with the money...
- Melanie Greeley5
Lil Bub's Big Fund does fantastic work!
- lynn fletcher4
I give because it's needed, and I can.