Lead Exposure Elimination Project (LEEP) logo

Lead Exposure Elimination Project (LEEP)

LEEP advocates to prevent lead poisoning and improve the health, wellbeing, and potential of children worldwide.

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LEEP advocates for regulation on lead paint to reduce lead poisoning and improve the health, wellbeing, and potential of children worldwide. Lead poisoning is a colossal issue causing disability in 815 million children worldwide.

Currently, we are working on programs in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Madagascar and Pakistan, and are looking to expand to another 7 countries in the next year.

To learn more about our work, check out:

Thank you for helping us to address the problem of lead poisoning, and improve the health of children worldwide.

Lilongwe, Malawi
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 87-3016729


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Help prevent lead poisoning across Africa and Asia

LEEP advocates for regulation on lead paint to reduce lead poisoning and improve the health, wellbeing, and potential of children worldwide. Lead poisoning is a colossal issue causing disability in 815 million children worldwide. Currently, we are working on programs in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Madagascar and Pakistan, and are looking to expand to another 7 countries in the next year. To learn more about our work, check out: https://leadelimination.org/projects/ https://leadelimination.org/faqs/ https://leadelimination.org/blog/ Thank you for helping us to address the problem of lead poisoning, and improve the health of children worldwide.
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4 supporters


  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Parth Ahya
  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Pierce Cousins

    I gave because people needed it.

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Aaron Hamlin

    Lead poisoning is perfectly preventable, and it should be prevented if it can. Thanks to Dan Wahl for this recommendation.
