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Know Theatre of Cincinnati

Know Theatre is Cincinnati's Theatrical Playground. Let's Play.

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Know Theatre is Cincinnati’s Theatrical Playground. The Know showcases unexpected voices, new works, and plays that embrace the inherent theatricality of the live experience. Know Theatre seeks to be a place where artists and audiences feel welcome to take artistic risks, creating work that is cutting edge and accessible.

We envision a theatre that elevates underserved voices; has a commitment to gender parity, diversity and inclusion in the playwrights it produces and artists it employs; that creates a welcoming space in which to wrestle with challenging ideas; that is accessible for everyone regardless of economic circumstances; and that pays artists a living wage for the work that they create.

We envision a theatre that can change the world.

Cincinnati, OH
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 31-1666206



  • Patrick Phillips

    The Know has always been the melting pot for all Cincinnati theatre artists. It’s where we’ve all been able to gather, create something new, bolster each other and keep this art vibrant and impactful. All of my best to everyone’s future end...

  • Tamara Winters

    Cincinnati artists need The Know. Cincinnati audiences need The Know.
    Theatre as an art form needs The Know.
    Let's show up.

  • Simon Tam

    Thank you for all that you do for art!
