Journey of Hope was created to interrupt the trauma to prison to early death pipeline for the most vulnerable women and girls in our community. It was expanded to serve youth and LBGTQIA and now the men's side of the prison. Everyone can HEAL from trauma, everyone can HEAL from self-medicating addictions, we can remove Suicide from our current vocabulary and overdose, it's all connected to trauma and pain! We can HEAL our community one human being at a time!
We have mentoring programs in the prison and the community. We are collaborating with the DA's office and DAY ONE to train Lived Experience Experts to bring Healing Circles into Youth Lock Up Facilities and the Prison. We are delivering Trauma Responsive Emergency Services to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking Victims that turn to us when they are scared to turn to law enforcement because of their criminal histories and addictions. These human beings deserve victim services, they deserve to survive and HEAL and learn how to survivor, thrive, and overcover every barrier in their lives!
We are community health worker health case managers with our survivor clientele in the community, transiting from jails, homelessness, and out of anti-violence spaces. We stay with our survivors until they are self-sufficient working toward self-reliance. Many of our survivors have become CPSS (Certified Peer Support Specialists) in the Community. Then we start to talk to them about livable wage employment, secondary education, home ownership, and business creation.
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