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Journalismfund Europe

We are dedicated to advancing independent cross-border investigative journalism across Europe in order to strengthen democracy.

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Journalismfund Europe vzw is a Brussels-based independent non‐profit organisation incorporated by citizens in 1998. The organisation was established with the purpose of facilitating investigative, cross-border and independent journalism in order to strengthen democracy in Europe by connecting donors and journalists without endangering the journalists’ independence.

Journalismfund Europe ultimately serves the public interest, furthers accountability as well as transparency, and contributes to critical thinking and well-informed debate.

Journalismfund Europe’s flexible grants programmes enable journalists to produce relevant public interest stories with a European mind-set from international, national, and regional perspectives.

Brussels, Belgium


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Independent Investigative Journalism needs your support

Are you worried about democracy? So are we. That is why we support investigative reporting. Why? Because that serves the public interest. Go to "Supported Projects" on our website to see lots of examples: We dare to say that - thanks to the work of investigative journalists - independent, in-depth reporting can make a difference. But it's not that easy. Investigative journalism is in danger. due to instability, precarity, stress, isolation, censorship, harassment. Only in 2022 around the world 533 journalists were imprisoned (65 journalists are being held hostage and 49 are missing) and 57 journalists were killed. Investigative journalism needs safety, support, funds, networking and training. Independent journalism connects people with democracy. Journalism is about the people. So, are you worried about democracy? So are we. That's why since 1999 we have supported more than 1,500 investigative projects, connecting donors with thousands of journalists around the world. You can help us. Independent investigative journalism needs your support. Donate today.

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