Leading the charge to make basic income a reality.
Our economy is broken. Too often, the people who work the hardest and form the backbone of a healthy economy are those most vulnerable to financial hardship and insecurity. We believe it's time to recognize that we can design a system that works for everyone. And we believe Basic Income is critical for creating the healthier, more innovative, and just society we all deserve.
We organize grassroots energy into people-powered events and direct action, create and make available information and tools about basic income, and promote coalition building across organizations that work for social and economic justice.
- Rahul Gupta-Iwasaki5
Proud to support the Income Movement in leading the push for this eminently sensible solution to the needless suffering that is so prevalent in our society.
Judith Bliss Josh Jones - Tina Roh6
Inspired by the grassroots organizers for the Basic Income March, their various backgrounds, and passion for basic income!
- Movement for Basic Income5
The concept of basic income has gone mainstream as pilots are on the rise and state level legislation has been presented across the country. Income Movement is an ecosystem coordinator for the broader basic income movement, helping educate,...
- Franceska Rolda3
Amazing organization!