We’re an impact catalyst reshaping the Latinx future. Since 1983, we’ve been leading the largest transnational network strengthening Latinx leadership and influence, and driving philanthropic resources into the community to build a better world.
Latinxs globally are a group of vibrant communities that have resilience and true power that resides within us to create collective power and change. Yet, less than 1% of philanthropy funding goes towards supporting the causes that impact our people.
Through our work, we can support, challenge and inspire the sector to ignite our essence and achieve the self-sustaining and long lasting change we need. We envision a just future in which our communities across the Americas are thriving.
We - HIP - are in a unique position to be the impact catalysts of that change. On one hand, we have insight into the most important local and regional challenges and opportunities of our community and, on the other, we lead the strongest network to fund, train, and support actions towards our transformative goal.
- Ramphis Castro4
They support front-line non-profits and workers responding to COVID19 crisis within latino communities