Health Connected is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in East Palo Alto. We serve more than 15,000 students and their families in California each year through our comprehensive sexual health education programs. Our missions is to equip young people with information, skills, and support to make thoughtful choices about their relationships and sexual health throughout their lives. We do this through three programs: Youth Services (puberty and sexual health education in schools), Parent Services (workshops on parent/child communication about sexual health), and Training & Technical Assistance for education professionals.
At Health Connected, we are turning "the talk" into an ongoing conversation. We blend medically accurate information with an interactive and nonjudgmental approach to learning that families of all different cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds can embrace. We do more than just provide sound information — we help students develop the confidence, introspection, and decision-making skills to apply that information to their lives, now and in the future.
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