Greater San Marcos Youth Council (GSMYC) logo

Greater San Marcos Youth Council (GSMYC)

The Greater San Marcos Youth Council is a nonprofit organization serving abused and neglected children ages 2-17 since 1986.

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Mission: Shelter children, strengthen families.

GSMYC is a human services agency with programs designed to accomplish our mission of sheltering children and strengthening families.


In 1986, in response to the legislative mandate that runaways could no longer be housed with adult inmates, a group of concerned citizens organized and developed the Greater San Marcos Youth Council (1986) to provide shelter to maltreated children. As a private, non-profit, our 16 bed residential program exists as an alternative home for children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. In 1990, GSMYC added non-residential prevention and intervention services to support children remaining in their homes.

Our goal is show children they are here through no fault of their own and that they will be safe with us. We give them our respect and make every effort to allow them their dignity. With the overall goal of establishing a trusting relationship with at least one adult during their stay, so that he/she will know that not all grown-ups will hurt them and that they are worthy of love and respect.

The children who come to the shelter operated by GSMYC are seeking refuge from abuse or neglect. Serving as temporary caregivers for these children, we are responsible for meeting their physical and emotional needs. Many arrive with little else save the clothes on their backs. We take care of them with genuine love and care, until a more permanent home can be found.

Goals of our non-residential program are to strengthen families through our youth and family services available to Hays County residents and youth who are eligible to attend Hays County schools. Our objective is to reduce child maltreatment, truancy, juvenile delinquency, as well as, increase families’ protective factors and resiliency to crisis. These services include; child and family counseling, parenting classes and anger management classes, youth and family advocacy, case management, and delinquency and truancy intervention, as well as a 24-hour toll-free crisis hotline available year-round by youth and family counselors at 1-800-457-0797.


The safety and needs of the children in care take precedence over all else with what is best for each child as the guiding principle. Individuals connected with GSMYC will always conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner exhibiting initiative, genuine caring and a positive attitude. Creating and maintaining a relaxed and friendly environment benefits both clients and employees. Investing in employees is an investment in clients. Additional values GSMYC employees and volunteers will exhibit are optimism, flexibility, empathy, compassion, respect for others. The dignity of those we serve is ours to preserve and it is our responsibility to provide them with opportunities for success, growth and learning.


Our vision is that every child born will be raised by a loving and supportive family who possess the skills and resources necessary to raise competent and productive citizens, therefore eradicating child abuse and neglect.

GSMYC’s Elevator Speech

…….operates a residential program for abused and neglected children ages 2-17 who have been removed from home with a free counseling and resource center for families and their children ages 6-18 who live in Hays County or attend Hays County schools.

Tag line: Doing what’s best for kids…yours, mine, and ours.

San Marcos, TX
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 74-2553659

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