Fount for Nations (FFN)

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Fount for Nations (FFN) builds a conducive and supportive educational ecosystem for Malawi's differently-abled children so that no child is left behind. We do this by working with parents, teachers and communities through a holistic & inclusive learning experience. 1. Teacher Training and School Support We offer staff support to implement a specialized curriculum in 11 select schools across Lilongwe and Blantyre, Malawi. We also provide technical support to teachers across other schools interested in incorporating special needs education in their learning facilities. So far we, have supported 431 teachers with creative learning and teaching approaches for differently-abled children. 2. Family Support Through our Stay and Play and Economic Empowerment programs, we provide psycho-social therapy and offer basic entrepreneurial skills to parents to afford the care for their differently-abled children. Our recent projects included a social protection cash transfer program that followed financial literacy training for 499 parents/guardians of differently-abled children. We are currently running a remote psychosocial counselling program for families with children with learning needs through a call centre manned by psychosocial counsellors. To date 717 families have received individual counselling sessions. 3. Healthcare system support We offer community healthcare workers and volunteers, with basic special needs training, referral mechanisms for differently-abled children and their families for care. We also work with hospitals to ensure continuity of education for hospitalised differently-abled children and support through occupational and speech therapy and counselling through specialist volunteers.


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Join the McKenney Family and Fount for Nations this Mother's Day weekend to raise $40,000 to fund an Early Childhood Intervention Therapy program in Malawi. It will be an evening full of family entertainment, Live music for kids, Malawian DJ Queen Agnes, and lots of amazing raffle prizes including a Hill Country getaway at Contigo Ranch. Malawi has 200,000 kids living with special needs enrolled in school, but no school based therapy programs exist. Fount for Nations wants to change this by training the first cadre of pediatric therapists in Malawi. Patience Musiwa, the Executive Director, will be visiting Austin to network with therapists here. While Dr. Ally McKenney was working in Malawi as an HIV specialist, the idea for Fount for Nations was born out of work she and Patience did together for children with severe malnutrition, many of whom were living with special needs. Therapy has been paramount in Dr. McKenney's journey the past 4 years and our family wants to bring those same services to Malawi. Let's make it happen! Alternative ways to give: For gifts by check: Write your check to KBFUS, write "Fount for Nations US Fund (MW)" in the memo section of the check, and send it to KBFUS, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176. Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Email KBFUS at: or phone (212) 713 7660.

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Let's Support 100 Malawian Families!

Special needs children in Africa face a considerable challenge. For some, that challenge means they may not live to see beyond their fifth birthday, not solely due to malnutrition but from parental neglect. Across Africa, special needs children are perceived to be a result of a bad omen or witchcraft. With fewer parents and communities understanding the various types of special needs, these children are hidden, limiting access to health professionals who can afford the necessary early support. This also means differently-abled children in Africa are less likely to acquire the occupational or speech therapy they need or even access quality education to ensure a strong foundation for learning. Parents with differently-abled children in Malawi only have access to 10 registered occupational therapists, two (2) speech therapists and two (2) clinical psychologists for 18 million people. It's more hard-hitting for families living in rural and peri-urban communities with limited access to education, quality healthcare and professionals to ensure their children receive the help they need. For six years, Fount for Nations has worked to train teachers, educate communities and support families of differently-abled children like Diana's to ensure no child in Malawi is left behind. This holiday season, we want to celebrate these parents who have worked hard to support their differently-abled children with food gift baskets and support the Fount for Nations Family Support Program. Your US$ 100 gift isn't just a holiday gift. You are contributing to changing a community. Your support will go towards growing the Fount for Nations Family Support Program. The program offers occupational and speech therapy, early identification of special needs in children, family education, and learning support. Please join us in donating this Giving Tuesday by visiting . Thank you for your support!


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