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The FemInEM Foundation: Addressing gaps in reproductive health care while improving the careers of women in emergency medicine.

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Founded in 2015 FemInEM is an educational and professional development organization that serves as a place to discuss, discover, and affect the journey of women working in emergency medicine. Through a website, podcast, and academic conferences, FemInEM positively addresses gender disparities, empowering all physicians to be more engaged in their work and better care for themselves and their patients.

For nearly a decade, FemInEM has connected thousands of women in emergency medicine and their allies, hosted conferences in multiple US cities, overseen the adoption of lactation support and maternity leave programs in numerous Emergency Medicine (EM) departments, hosted a gender equity-focused educational podcast, and advanced the careers of women physicians. This legacy organization connects pediatric and adult emergency providers across various urban and rural emergency departments (EDs) in all 50 states. From the outset, we have engaged in public health topics at the leading edge of practice and innovation.

In the wake of the Dobbs decision, we have decided to relaunch FemInEM as the FemInEM Foundation, to advance gender equity in EM while improving the care of female patients in EDs. Thank you for support our work.

United States

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