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Faces Up Uganda

Employing art therapy to address mental health and trauma among all vulnerable children in Uganda.

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Visual Art

We believe every child deserves the right to be well, express themselves creatively and reach their full potential. We know that the path to well-being and a fulfilled life is possible when safe spaces and support are accessible to all. However, too often children from vulnerable backgrounds are left behind, and barriers to enjoying such opportunities persist, making access far too difficult for far too many of them.

Because of the absence of such opportunities, the majority of children in Uganda are disempowered to break cycles of negative life outcomes.

There is 1 in 4 children face trauma yet only 5 psychiatrists are available to support over 20 million children in Uganda.

Help us keep the doors of our community centre open to over 350 children annually to access free art therapy sessions.

Kampala, Uganda


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Official fundraiser

Support us to keep the doors of our community center open

We operate a commuity art center based in Masanafu, Bukulugi in Kampala, Uganda. At the center, we offer free arts empowerment support to over 300 children through out the year. This center is the "theatre of dreams" for many children and young people who otherwise wouldn't have access to psychosocial support we offer. Our hope is to increase the number to up to 700 young people annual and with your support, this is possible. To keep this center open, we incure administrative costs that include rent, art material cost, compensation for the facilitators as well as utility bills. We believe every child deserves the right to be well and express themselves creatively. We know that the path to well-being and a fulfilled life is possible when safe spaces and support are accessible to all. However, too often children at the margins are left behind, and barriers to enjoying such opportunities persist, making access far too difficult for far too many of them. Can we count on you to become a monthly giver, to invest in our work and keep the doors of the community center open?

1 supporter
