Protecting and supporting the most vulnerable children in Cairo, Egypt

FACE for Children in Need

To assist and protect orphans, street children, and children victims of abuse in Egypt, their families and communities.

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Adoption & Foster Care

To support the most vulnerable children in Egypt, through one of the most innovative Child Protection organization in Egypt.

FACE provides services to safeguard children, by addressing their needs and working with their communities to create practical, innovative and sustainable solutions to ensure them a better future. Since 2003, FACE has been running projects in Egypt, with the aim to improve child protection and develop alternative care for children living in institutions, and to reduce the number of children and youths working or living on the streets and reintegrate them into their society.

FACE has been working with orphans and abandoned children since 2003, and the organization runs since 2024 the first National Kafala Center in Egypt in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Solidarity, which aims at receiving all abandoned babies and orphans in Greater Cairo and Alexandria to ensure these babies have a chance to be placed in a Kafala family (local form of adoption/alternative care). FACE also runs 2 homes for children (males and females) who cannot be placed into Kafala families and who need to be raised and supported toward their social integration. A new aftercare program was created in 2021 to ensure all young people receive adequate support to ensure their social and professional integration after they leave the care of FACE.

Since 2008 FACE also runs a Street Children Program, composed of a large outreach team supporting children on the streets, in detention centers and in the poorest communities and slums through prevention activities. The Program runs a transitional home and case management team working to support children, and their families provide preventive support or to ensure children safe and sustainable reintegration. The program has become a model of good practice and provides support to more than 3500 children and to hundreds families every year.

Both programs include a Training component, to ensure the systematic and ongoing training of all FACE projects teams, to ensure effective children protection and high standards in service provision. The FACE training also works to provide training and technical support to different local organizations, schools, companies, and to local and national child protection public bodies about Child protection, childcare, social work, non-formal education, alternative care and other topics.

Sine 2022, FACE is facing the increasingly difficult economic context in Egypt, with a very high inflation and several devaluation of the local currency in recent years, which have contributed to increase needs for support among the poorest categories of the population, but in the same time have largely affected the organization finances. FACE needs your support to contribute to our work in favor of child protection in Egypt and to help us to continue providing support to the most vulnerable children in Egypt.

Cairo, Égypte


  • Zeina Bin essa
  • Yehia Omar