The EmergeWiki is designed to
- crowdsource and synthesize vast and diverse sources of information
- to distill these into actionable Clinical Recommendations and other policy statements and best practices on how to skillfully relate to the deep end of human experience — what many would term spiritual, mystical, magical/psi, energetic, psychedelic, and related phenomena and effects — what we term Emergent Phenomena Experiences and Effects (EPEEs).
- in a way that promotes good outcomes.
It is a space where differing traditions will be invited to speak on emergent experience on their own terms, and in their own language. Synthesis will be carried out through the lens of Phenomenology, building on current work funded by EB, which will culminate in Clinical recommendations. We plan for the Wiki to match the breadth of experience in Emergent Phenomena, and how human cultures work with them.
We are currently raising money to build the initial architecture of EmergeWiki, and start populating our Traditions Space.
For donations earmarked to support a specific project or grant, Emergence Benefactors may redirect up to 10% to cover administrative costs.
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