The destruction of healthy forest systems causes so many different problems. Trees provide a habitat for animals, purify water sources, control flooding and erosion and help to replenish the soil with nutrients needed for farming. When farmers can’t grow anything their farms fail and they have no option but to move to the overcrowded cities looking for work. Often they have to resort to selling themselves or their families into slavery just to survive.
We start by hiring the local community to plant trees. This gives them a decent income so they can provide for their families again. As the reforestation effort goes on, healthy forests begin to emerge and all the negative effects of deforestation begin to disappear.
Mark Ulrich 17They have planted over 900 MILLION trees!!! Help create much needed jobs in extremely poor, rural areas so people can earn money by helping forests thrive and sequestering CO2.
Rahul Gupta-Iwasaki 14When I was in first grade, I planted a tree in my backyard that I got from school for Earth Day. I loved watching it get bigger and bigger. Today it's taller than me!
Aidan Hughes 1I gave to provide skills and employment to local people and to help our planet recover and build resilience.
Omar Diab 8Creative approach to address climate change while giving the impoverished the means to control their future.
Kenny Leung Eden Reforestation Projects hires local workers to help plant trees. Helping support our planet and its inhabitants at the same time!
Santiago Hernandez 9Hearing about deforestation makes me feel sad and discouraged.
On the other hand, finding out that they have already planted over 300 million trees in eight countries while creating opportunities for people fills me with hope and joy.