Dream For Future Africa Foundation logo

Dream For Future Africa Foundation

Empowering passionate, hard-working individuals by providing access to skills, resources, and opportunities.

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Women's Health
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Poverty Alleviation
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Gender Equality
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Women Led
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If hard-working individuals have the ability to master skills that are desirable in industries that are part of a fast-growing economy, we are securing financial independence and stability for future generations. Our investment in highly staffed, fully equipped training facilities and on-the-ground organizations are providing practical skills, job certifications, micro finance and more, which will impact our students, their families and the communities around them.

We are currently funding a vocational training center with over 300 students enrolled, as well as programs with local partners supporting women with HIV/AIDS and their families. We look forward to continuing our growth and hope to open a second training center in the near future.

Los Angeles, CA
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 27-3730998


  • lamise carano