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Dhaka Ahsania Mission

DAM envisions for well being of the human community and care for nature.

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Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) has Consultative Status (Special Category) with UN ECOSOC, operational relation with UNESCO, associate status with UNDP, WFP and UNICEF. DAM has received different national and international award for its outstanding contribution in the development sector in Bangladesh. DAM has  successfully managed several large programs in Bangladesh, each including multiple and diverse partners, is based on a common commitment to achieving development and performance goals that recognizes and builds on technical expertise and strengths. DAM has the proven capacity to manage large scale projects/ programmes, in terms of financial resources as well as geographical coverage that enabled DAM to coordinate activities on the ground.

DAM has intensive experience of disaster management since 1988 and undertaken short, medium and long-term response & rehabilitation activities in 1991 cyclone, flood 2004, flood 2007, Cyclone Sidr 2007, Cyclone AILA 2009, Rana plaza tragedy 2015, flood 2016, 2019, 2020  and  cold wave responses every year. In 2017, DAM was engaged in Northeast (haor) and northwest flood and currently is supporting Rohingya settlers with NFI, Education, healthcare & psycho social care, Child Friendly Space and WASH. DAM is leading the National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors in Bangladesh (NAHAB) as Chair  and member of NEAR, Disaster Forum, NIRAPAD, Health ,WASH and Education Cluster.

Dhaka Ahsania Mission always cherished the vision of serving humanity in crisis. That’s why DAM gets involved a group of professionals to support the affected Rohingya people with minimum requirements to satisfy their basic rights to life with dignity. Considering the worst situation and suffering of the people for Covid-19, Cyclone Amphan and Flood-2020, DAM has designed and implemented different types of projects for ensuring the food security and aware people on Covid-19 with preventive measures .DAM used to calculate per beneficiaries’ cost in comparison with the available budget and focus the issues for improving food security and livelihoods options considering the local context and needs of the beneficiaries. The health, food and Hygiene support was  more relevant in this pandemic situation. In terms of Prevention exploitation and abuse in this lock down situation, DAM has given priority to select women headed families whereas child and older people are living with. As on December’ 2021, DAM has reached to 196,000 HH with Food, non-food items, Hygiene, health and Cash support through different projects. DAM is operation two vaccination center in Dhaka City.



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