Delhi Council for Child Welfare

Providing multi-pronged support to 3000 under-privileged children daily.

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For over 7 decades, DCCW has been aspiring to live up to its mission to “give children a childhood and a future” by helping under-privileged children in and around Delhi who face challenges they cannot overcome. We achieve this through programs in the areas of health, nutrition, pre-school education, vocational training, supervised homework schemes, rehabilitation of special needs children and educational sponsorship. One of our best-known programs is PALNA, our home for lost and abandoned children, where alongside we run a very successful adoption program. Today, these services reach out to 3000 children daily through our 15 centres and are provided to them virtually free of cost.

DCCW runs on donations from corporates, institutions and individuals.

All our programs are targeted at children from low-income families.

  • PALNA: our home and adoption centre for abandoned, lost and homeless children (one centre; 70-80 children resident at any time)

  • Palna WeeKids: prepares under-privileged pre-school children for admission into schools (13 centres; 900+ beneficiaries annually)

  • Educational Sponsorship: Provides financial assistance to school-going children ( ~900 beneficiaries annually)

  • Supervised Homework Scheme – helps school-going children with their schoolwork (14 centres; ~300 beneficiaries annually)

  • Vocational Training: Teaches income-generating skills (Computers, Tally, Beauty culture, Tailoring) to adolescent girls, mostly school-dropouts (13 centres ; ~1000 beneficiaries annually)

  • Bal Chetna – provides day-care and rehabilitation therapies to special needs children to help them achieve their potential (Pre-pandemic 3 centres ~100 beneficiaries; only one centre re-started to date)

DCCW is being run by a professional and very dedicated team and an Executive Committee (governing board) of volunteer members. DCCW has received accreditation from Credibility Alliance, Give India, Benevity, CAF America, testifying integrity and transparency as a donation-supported NGO.



  • Shweta Haldipur
  • Seetha Reddy