Dar-us-Sakina logo


Nonprofit organization dedicated to inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the Muslim community of Houston

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Dar-us-Sakina is a safe space for people of all abilities and their caregivers. We inspire the community to abandon stigmas and embrace individuals with disabilities with empathy and respect. Together, we are better!

We are dedicated to providing inclusive opportunities for individuals with disabilities, while empowering the affected and their caregivers with social support and access to local resources. We envision a Muslim community where individuals with disabilities are fully accepted and included, and both they and their caregivers have adequate access to support.

Dar-us-Sakina offers its services to all special needs individuals and their caregivers within the Houston community, but reserves its Zakat fund for Muslim families who are in financial need or crisis. Our mission is achieved through three key service areas: Education, Support, and Community Awareness.


Special Needs Weekend Islamic School Programs: At four locations across Houston, children with special needs come weekly to the masjid to learn about their faith using an adapted curriculum and to be included in the community.

Teen Adult Program (TAP): This program helps individuals with special needs take the first step to adulthood by teaching them independent life skills in a supportive social environment.


Caregiver Support Groups: This allows mothers, fathers, and siblings of individuals with special needs to connect with others with similar life circumstances.

Events: From inclusive family events that make all accommodations to caregiver training events, Dar-us-Sakina engages the local special needs population on a monthly basis.

Zakat Services: For special needs families in crisis, we are committed to providing comprehensive support through our Zakat Fund, including funding of emergency respite care, counseling, necessary evaluations, advocacy and durable medical equipment.

Community Awareness:

Youth Inclusion Training: We visit local Islamic schools, masaajid, and Scouts to train typical youth on accepting and including their brothers and sisters with disabilities.

Community Education: We conduct awareness events and workshops to educate the general community on disability awareness and early childhood intervention.

Sakina Internship: This is a one year commitment for college age students who dedicate one day of the week serving individuals with special needs while learning about related topics.

Volunteer Enrichment Program: This is a volunteer buddy program for High School students.

Houston, TX
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 85-3996086



  • Anita Bhai-singh

    Keep up the good work πŸ‘

  • Abdullah Kalla
  • Verda Syed
  • Sidra Hashmani
  • Farha Rahman
  • Asma Faiz