Ridge to Reef Coastal Resource Management (CRM) in the Philippines – Let’s Sustain the Flow of Life Together
The Philippines is a global biodiversity conservation hotspot, challenged by endemic child malnutrition. Daluhay works community-based (CB) to consider Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) prioritization through a biocultural lens. Inclusive community engagement facilitates ecohealth advances to balance ecocentric and anthropocentric values. Programs across large ecosystems, link settlements and local governments to optimize collaboration for sustainable development. Daluhay is dedicated to long-term ocean sustainability and deeply respects that CB food security determines conservation efforts across marine, agricultural and forest ecosystems. Working with artisanal fisherfolk, small-scale farmers and Indigenous Ancestral Domain Forest Guardians, Daluhay is building management models across two large ecosystems; the Northern Philippine Sea Bioregion and the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor (SMBC). With over 90% of Philippine forests gone, the SMBC holds almost half of the remaining intact forest landscape. GIS-based management zone planning is in partnership with Indigenous settlements that own over 70% of Aurora Province and most of the intact forest landscape.
Founded upon synergistic designs within United Nations projects, Daluhay is extending its sphere of influence to include international supports and actions to conserve the Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), largest and most endangered eagle in the world; in part by taking a global leadership role in promoting Indigenous People as partners in raptor conservation. Daluhay supports sustainable energy and is directly engaged in all the other 16 SDGs. Daluhay prioritizes life, e.g. mitigating maternal fisher protein intake <20% of recommended. Daluhay is a national leader in the development of fisheries CRM curriculum and training regulations. The program includes internationally recognized Social Artistry as a local engagement strategy, called Siningbayan or nation building in English. Comprehensive piloting of curriculum and related Action Research on CRM-Singingbayan is expected to be a growing area of expertise, based upon the success of positive change for sustainability. Ridge to Reef biodiversity conservation links the different ecosystems that support the communities and determine food security. Program development that is ecosystem centered and community-based is an approach to sustainable development that promotes collaboration, founded upon the principle of valuing the flow of life.
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