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Community Groundwork

Committed to training, mentoring, and preparing the next generation of leaders for a career in campaigning and activism.

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Community Groundwork's "Learn, Link, Lift" strategy is a holistic system of workshops, mentoring, and professional development. While unpaid work is becoming less frequent, it is still the norm in politics and public policy. Your investment allows students who cannot forgo paid work to gain experience that is otherwise only available to more affluent students.

Community colleges attract hard-working, determined individuals who embody quintessential American values. Yet, few serve in government institutions outside of the military, and fewer still ascend to positions of real influence. As polarization and economic inequality continue to tear the nation's social fabric, bridging the cultural and socioeconomic gaps between the government and the governed is more than a moral issue; it's a vital strategic necessity.

The problem is not about lack of talent or interest but access and opportunity. Practical impediments like filling a work shift, finding childcare, or navigating the maze of political networks keeps too many from participating in civic life.

Community Groundwork's three-part program (LEARN, LINK, LIFT) demystifies the process. It addresses these real-life needs to ensure that being a civic citizen is not only the most important job, in the words of President Barack Obama, but it's also one that we all can afford.



  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Linda Serrato
  • David Zachary
  • Nathan Stellhorn
  • Jed Leano