The Cambodian Center for Human Rights is a non-aligned, independent human rights NGO that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights throughout Cambodia. CCHR's vision is of a non-violent Cambodia in which people enjoy fundamental human rights, are treated equally, are empowered to participate in democracy, and share the benefits of Cambodia’s development. CCHR is an organization that empowers Cambodian people, communities and organizations to claim their rights; raises awareness of human rights abuses in Cambodia and deters human rights abusers; exposes human rights infringements through monitoring reports, social media, and online resources, campaigns for necessary changes within political, judicial, and commercial systems so that all Cambodians can enjoy their human rights. CCHR focuses on a range of human rights issues affecting Cambodian people on a daily basis such as Fundamental Freedoms, Rule of Law and Judicial Reform, Equality and Discrimination, Business and Human Rights and Political Rights and Participation. CCHR makes a genuine difference for Cambodian people and society, through these recent efforts: Submissions to Cambodia’s 3rd Cycle Universal Periodic Review at the UN; Advocating for release of human rights defenders; Provision of free legal support and financial support to their families of human rights defenders, Systematic monitoring of compliance with fair trial rights at the Court of Appeals, trainings and radio talk shows.
Kathleen Westman