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Oakland, CA
Mid-sized organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 45-4930539

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  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Dave Sharp

    I feel really lucky to have been able to work with a group from BGC in NYC. Their creativity, energy, and brilliance was awesome. I love this organization. STEM fields have historically been inaccessible or unwelcoming to black women. Black...

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Franceska Rolda

    #ActiBlizzWalkout. The gaming industry needs to understand that a lot of people other than heterosexual males like to play and create video games. The harassment experienced by people at Activision is atrocious and the perpetrators and thos...

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Ashleigh Johnson

    This is a wonderful cause I wish I had this when I was a kid. I would love to continue helping any way I can!

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    marcia sharp

    This is really important work, and now that there is more understanding and attention around racial equity, we have a chance to make some real difference in an area like this with many donations.
