Implementation and preparation acts for mitigation, prevention and response in communities

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A disaster risk reduction project is defined as a project that achieves its goals and delivers valuable outcomes to the target beneficiaries. Therefore, the success or failure of a project largely depends on the effectiveness of its goals.

The disaster risk reduction and climate change project specifically focuses on vulnerable groups, including the elderly, people with disabilities, and pregnant women.

  1. The target beneficiaries possess knowledge about natural disaster management, which they can apply to their lives.
  2. The target beneficiaries have acquired knowledge and identified areas at risk.
  3. The target community already has a manual outlining the community action plan for disaster risk management.
  4. Information boards are placed in high-risk areas to protect the environment.
  5. The establishment structure of the Village Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) is in place.
  6. The target community has been educated on climate change mitigation and natural disaster management.


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