Aleh Lemaala

Aleh Lemaala Inc

Dedicated to enhancing Jewish living & supporting educational and charitable causes in Israel. Received nonprofit status in 2021.

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Aleh Lemaala
Aleh Lemaala is currently active in Zikhron Ya'akov, Aviel, Amikam, and Givat Ada. Our mission is to enhance Jewish life in Israel in a meaningful way. We cater to Jews of every level of observance and commitment, from individuals with no prior knowledge to advanced scholars. We offer classes, study groups, and one on one study. We offer bar and bat mitzvah lessons, mentoring and Rabbinic counseling. We run a Beit Midrash and a Beit Knesset. We assist in coordinating and running Shabbat experience retreats for outreach organizations, schools, programs and private individuals. We host scholars in residence facilitating study and growth within the community. We sponsor seasonal religious events and activities. We are funding a new preschool offering a high level of religious Jewish education.
Far Rockaway, NY
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 86-1773259


  • David Simons
  • Ricky Turetsky