Mackenzie Arnolddonated • 3yCharity EntrepreneurshipLondon, UkCharity Entrepreneurship is an effective altruist organization that helps start high-impact charities based on extensive research.Feed nonprofit card link to Charity Entrepreneurship DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Charity Entrepreneurship
Mackenzie Arnolddonated • 3yNew IncentivesCovina, CAWe provide cash incentives for childhood vaccinations. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways known to save lives. Feed nonprofit card link to New Incentives DonateFeed nonprofit card link to New Incentives
Mackenzie Arnolddonated • 3yEvidence ActionEvidence Action scales evidence-based and cost-effective programs to reduce the burden of poverty. Feed nonprofit card link to Evidence Action DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Evidence Action
Mackenzie Arnolddonated • 3yCentre for Effective Altruism USABerkeley, CAThe Centre for Effective Altruism helps to grow and support the effective altruism community.Feed nonprofit card link to Centre for Effective Altruism USA 2DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Centre for Effective Altruism USA
Mackenzie Arnolddonated • 3yLead Exposure Elimination Project (LEEP)Lilongwe, MalawiLEEP advocates to prevent lead poisoning and improve the health, wellbeing, and potential of children worldwide. Feed nonprofit card link to Lead Exposure Elimination Project (LEEP) 1DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Lead Exposure Elimination Project (LEEP)
Mackenzie Arnolddonated • 3yAnimal Charity EvaluatorsCovina, CAAnimal Charity Evaluators helps people help the most animals.Feed nonprofit card link to Animal Charity Evaluators 3DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Animal Charity Evaluators