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Support the 1,000 Women Leaders Campaign

Now more than ever communities are facing conflict, displacement, inequality, failing economies and injustice all over the world. The impact of local women leaders is critical during these tumultuous times. When local women peacebuilders, humanitarians and human rights defenders and the nonprofit organizations they lead are adequately financed, their impact is exponential - countries are more likely to reach and sustain peace, economies grow, humanitarian aid reaches farther and opportunity is created for all.

Women are uniquely impacted by crises and have unlimited potential to drive transformative change, yet they remain dramatically underfunded worldwide.

Investing in the work of women civil-society leaders can yield remarkable dividends towards a more peaceful, inclusive and gender-equal world. By the end of 2025, WPHF aims to invest in 1,000 women leaders in 1,000 crisis-affected communities. Less than 0.4% of funding goes to women’s nonprofits in countries experiencing crises. WPHF's 1000 Women Leaders Campaign is accelerating the investment in women by raising $112 million by 2025.

Join WPHF to help raise support for women across the globe who are moving mountains in their communities affected by crises and war. As WPHF Global Advocate Kristen Bell says, “Women make things happen.” And they are - from Afghanistan to Yemen, Haiti to Burundi - women are leading the charge to prevent conflict, respond to crises and create lasting peace in their communities.

Show your commitment to a more peaceful and gender-equal world by supporting extraordinary women leaders.

Accelerating a global movement for peace & equality.

The Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) supports women leaders and their local organizations to build peace and respond to the world’s most urgent crises.

WPHF and its nonprofit partners are driving grassroots change where it is needed most. Since 2016, WPHF has supported the projects of over 600 women's rights and women-led organizations in 28 countries around the world. Now more than ever, we must come together to stand behind women. Your support will enable women-led and women’s rights organizations around the world to meet urgent needs, protect human rights, provide women with economic opportunities to support themselves and their families, respond to humanitarian crises, and build lasting peace.

UN & civil society partnership supporting women working to build peace & respond to crises on the frontlines.



  • Sarah Vaona2
  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Vance Ingalls

    International Women's Day

  • Kathy Partridge

    Cynda inspired me with stories of how women can lead the effort for peace and humanitarian response.

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    Cynda Collins Arsenault

    The world needs these women if we ever want to get to a more peaceful world. We need to support them.

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    Mary Ellen Garrett

    Supporting women around the world and amplifying their voices to make progress on the most urgent issues facing us all is important to me!

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    Rahul Gupta-Iwasaki