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The Poston Foundation

The Poston Foundation d/b/a Carolina Cares & Suicide Drip Watches is a 501c3 incorporated non-profit based in Columbia, SC.

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The Poston Foundation is focused on providing goods and services to the homeless and indigent residents of North and South Carolina. The Foundation uses monetary and other donations to improve the lives of those who need it most. The Foundation is expanding its efforts throughout North and South Carolina – starting with Columbia, South Carolina. The Foundation was founded in the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020 in response to the fact that the homeless and indigent communities in Columbia, South Carolina were leftwith absolutely no assistance from the government or private charities. Carolina Cares is devoted to helpingthe homeless despite the times. It is essential work that must bedone. Members and Other Individuals and Organizations thatReceive Benefits 1(a) The Poston Foundations aforementionedcampaign (Part IV) is called “Carolina Cares” and involvesperforming the aforementioned services for the homeless andindigent as well as the fundraising necessary to receive adequatedonations to perform those services. Specific Activities The PostonFoundations “Carolina Cares” campaign utilizes YouTube, Instagramand Facebook advertising to solicit donations via the Foundation’swebsite: – these donations are usedto perform the aforementioned activities. 4(d) The PostonFoundation conducts fundraising for itself in North and SouthCarolina.
Columbia, SC
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 85-0559047

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