32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust is an independent non-profit organisation, founded in 2011. Our multi-purpose resource centre is based in the capital city Kampala and includes studios, accommodation for artists in residence, a contemporary art library, computers & editing suites, meeting areas and outdoor workshop space. We aim to provide an open platform, in which Ugandan artists are encouraged to create new works that are experimental, innovative and challenging in relation to their current practice. We do this through our residency program and public art initiative: KLA ART.
As the organisation continues to grow in scope and ambition, our current space is becoming inadequate for our expanding programmes. Our studios are extremely small and unfit-for-purpose. We cannot provide visiting artists with accommodation, making our international programme highly impractical and expensive. Our new art center will be a permanent hub for the advancement of our home-grown talent and a key meeting point for interacting with international peers. The new 32° East space will be a creative center for innovation and free-thinking, playing a unique role in inserting Ugandan contemporary art into the international map. So far through a crowdfunding campaign and the support of funders like the Sigrid Rausing Trust, Outset Contemporary Art and Doen Foundation we have raised over $400,00 for our new home. Phase I construction of a cafe, 3 studios and a library began in October 2021 and is scheduled for completion in December 2022. Phase II of the new 32° East will include:
Three artists' studios A well resourced learning centre and library A workshop space
A purpose-built public art gallery
Accommodation for visiting artists
Art shops
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