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Mystic 3.0 - A new beginning for a legacy theme camp


Camp Mystic is Mystic Arts Foundation's longest running project, in fact, MAF was formed to support its operations after witnessing over 2 decades of how creating the opportunity for transformation through art, performance, speaker workshops, and radical collaboration can have such an important, life-changing impact on the participants.

In 2023, the first-ever, very heavy rains and ensuing mud ruined a considerable portion of camp infrastructure. As a result, the decision to build a new type of shade structure and need to purchase new materials to do so, emerged as a path to continuing to provide the incredible immersive, interactive, and transformational art and programming Mystic does at Burning Man each year.

All funds donated here will help Mystic camp with expenses related to rebuilding with new infrastructure, as well as, upgrading and maintaining power equipment invested in last year, and supporting new art and artists, including this year's Burning Man Temple of Together and the Burning Man Opera, Church of Ascending Dreams. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and makes a huge difference.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 83-0699561

Mystic Arts Foundation exists to support artists and develop artistic works that create the opportunity for transformation.

Small organization


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