Minds Matter
Transforming the lives of accomplished high school students from low-income families by broadening their dreams and preparing them for college success.
We don’t currently support donations to this nonprofit. To request we add support email us.
I was a mentor for a high school student at Minds Matter LA. This nonprofit helps high-achieving low-income students learn skills to succeed, including practical life skills. The program guides the students through internships, financial ai...
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Your donation is made to Every.org, a US 501(c)(3) public charity. Every.org will immediately send you a receipt by email. We then partner with PayPal Grants to grant to Minds Matter on a monthly basis (or semiannually for balance under $100).
This process ensures your eligibility for a tax deduction, enables you to consolidate your gift records, and reduces the burden on Minds Matter.
There may be third-party fees.
Every.org does not charge any platform fee of our own, because we are a nonprofit. Instead, we rely on the generosity of donors to fund our mission of philanthropy for everyone.
Yes. After your donation payment is confirmed, you will immediately get a tax-deductible receipt emailed to you.
100% of your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by US law. Your donation is made to Every.org, a tax-exempt US 501(c)(3) charity that grants unrestricted funds to Minds Matter on your behalf. As a legal matter, Every.org must provide any donations to Minds Matter on an unrestricted basis, regardless of any designations or restrictions made by you.
Additionally, if you have an Every.org account, you can always get a single itemized receipt that shows all your donations in a given year.
You can also rally your friends, family, and social networks to support this nonprofit by starting your own fundraiser for them. Start a fundraiser for Minds Matter