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Nada Abdelghany Awaga

Support Humanitarian Medical Aid Convoy For Gaza


With the loss of 20,000+ lives (of which 62% are women & children), 38,000+ injured, countless emotionally & mentally traumatized, and the shutting down of 25+ Hospitals*, Hospitals in Gaza are operating at an overwhelming capacity and are in dire need of equipment and supply all the time. Needless to say that the daily loses are having its toll on the mental health of people and children living there. Mersal Foundation, an Egyptian Health Care NGO is working towards:
1- Sending medical aid convoys to Gaza through Rafah Borders that include medical supplies, equipment, medicines, and sanitary products according to the existing and rising needs in Gaza
2- Providing free remote medical services through Tele-medicine and Tele-therapy for Palestinians in Gaza in partnership with Vodafone Egypt.
3- Arranging for volunteering medical personnel to be available at the border in case of transfer of critical medical cases across the borders.

Donating to them would help facilitate hospitals access to medical supplies and humans access to medical and therapy advice. In the name of humanity, donate to them so that we can alleviate the impact of what they are experiencing on daily basis.

  • All figures are according to
    • UN News:
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High quality medical services for marginalized groups in Cairo and the region.


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    The money belongs to Allah, from him to him.
