Help community families access mental health services!
- Raised
- $1,000
- Goal
- $2,500
There is an urgent need to train community women on basic counseling skills and as volunteers at the community level to ensure psycho-social services are available and accessible (at no cost) for those households who are not able to put meals on the table on a daily basis. This is the rationale for this fundraising campaign, to train a community of community-based counselors who will: Be the first respondents for their peers and offer the first safe spaces so urgently needed. Refer cases to Life Bloom staff for more professional or advanced counseling. Be able to identify potential gender-based violence cases in their neighborhoods before they happen. Support the Life Bloom staff who need to be firm on psychological self-care. Gradually pass on compassion skills, including: non-judgment, acceptance, and active listening, skills needed to make people feel valued and respected and thus become more productive.
Friends of Life Bloom Projects are hosted at KBFUS, a U.S. public charity within the meaning of Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code. This means that donors are eligible for a U.S. income tax deduction for their contributions to the extent permitted by U.S. tax law.