Become a Hero! Donations support a safe, privacy focused, porn-free platform, called KIDS INC.ONE., a safer online alternative.

Group of children with adult looking at laptops. They are all shocked by what they see.

US Department  of Health and Human Services reports:  Far too many young people are struggling with their mental health and unable to get the support they need. We all have a role to play in supporting youth mental health and creating a world where young people thrive.

With a focus on children's safety, KIDS INC. is responding to the growing health crisis in youth as a result of social media.  It is our mandate to create safer online experiences for families through the development and management of platforms and apps that put the safety of users as the primary priority.

KIDS INC. is a 501c(3) nonprofit edutainment company and charitable organization that was started in Denver Colorado in 1990. It created and produced the popular multi-cultural touring group "Mr. Safety &the Safety Bratz" who used songs, dance, improv and a gameshow to teach young audiences about safety with an emphasis on empowering kids against sexual  assault teaching them to trust their feelings, say no to unwanted touch and tell someone.   OUR MISSION: To Educate, Entertain, Inspire and Empower.

Just think... If youth are the future and they're already in a mental health crisis, what does the future look like?

Supporter's and Donors play a critical role in creating a world where young people thrive.


KIDS INC. has developed and is launching the first family friendly safe social platform and app, "*kidsinc.ONE",* offering many of the same features as other popular apps but is a much safer porn-free alternative for youth, where users privacy is the primary focus. No tracking, no keylogging, no collecting/selling of children's data.


Funds raised will be used for capital expenses, which include purchasing a building to host our own servers and studios, purchasing server hardware, software and network technology, licensing games and movies, sponsoring youth creators, hiring moderators, server management, electricity, insurance, livestream expenses, staffing and administration. Additional funds will be allocated to create and provide online safety education to parents, schools and directly to youth.


Social Media and Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory Social media use among young people is nearly universal, with up to 95% of teenagers, and even 40% of children aged 8-12, on social media.  Despite this widespread use among children and adolescents, we do not yet have enough evidence to determine if social media use is sufficiently safe for them—especially during adolescence, a particularly vulnerable period of brain development.

  • Social media can expose children to content that presents risks and harm
  • Social media use can be excessive and problematic for children
  • Social media tracks users, records keystrokes, collects and sells data
  • Social media can be a tool for grooming, stalkers and predators to access children 

“If we seize this moment, step up for our children and their families in their moment of need, and lead with inclusion, kindness, and respect, we can lay the foundation for a healthier, more resilient, and more fulfilled nation.”

—Dr. Vivek H. Murthy
Surgeon General of the United States

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Denver, CO
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-1139356

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