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Documenting Ukraine

Documenting Ukraine is an IWM research project that seeks to contribute to creating a record of the Russo-Ukrainian War, capturing the human experience of that war, and making it accessible and comprehensible to the broader world.

Through Documenting Ukraine, the IWM supports scholars, journalists, public intellectuals, artists, and archivists based in Ukraine as they work on documentation projects that establish and preserve a factual record—whether through reporting, gathering published source material, or collecting oral testimony—or that bring meaning to events through intellectual reflection and artistic interpretation. Ultimately, the materials collected and produced through these projects will be housed in a complex, transdisciplinary archive.

This is a project that centers on Ukrainian intellectual work: the projects are conceived, developed, and carried out by Ukrainians, and Documenting Ukraine grantees retain full intellectual property rights to any work they produce. The same thinking underpins the archive that will result from the project: any materials contributed by the people we are supporting are an important part of Ukraine’s intellectual heritage.

The IWM is a non-profit institution that promotes intellectual work and enables encounters of people around ideas.


  • Bettina Longaker
  • Robin Swindle
  • Leslie Mulligan

    Those who remember and the ways they do keep us evolving past any obstacle that would end us.

  • Alan Siege

    I am very happy that I can make this donation to support journalists and artists, documenting and commemorating the struggle for Ukraine’s future

    As someone who works in the space here in the US, It is particularly important to me to supp...
