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Margarita K

Margarita's Birthday Fundraising for GiveDirectly

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Hello everyone, I have a binary anniversary this year, 32!!!

Let make it a cause to donate to GiveDirectly!

GiveDirectly is a nonprofit organization that provides direct cash transfers to people living in extreme poverty. Instead of traditional aid, GiveDirectly empowers recipients by giving them the financial resources to make their own decisions about what they need most. They also conduct researches to measure the impacts of cash transfers.

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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 27-1661997

Delivering unconditional cash directly to the world's poorest households via secure mobile transfers.

Large organization


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    Margarita K

    I gave my donation to check if this page works :D

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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 27-1661997

Delivering unconditional cash directly to the world's poorest households via secure mobile transfers.

Large organization