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Madeleine Vlok

Help Afford Life Changing Support 2023


Dear Supporters, we hope you are all doing very well! As a family, we continue to support those South African families touched by pediatric cancer. The lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic still affects the economy and job security in South Africa. This impacts many, especially those who can not afford medical insurance, or have no or limited financial, logistical, or other support during their child's cancer treatment.

Our family's 11th Annual Pediatric Cancer Campaign will run from 1-30 September 2023. Our theme this year: "Look Forward". With the help of so many donors, we have been able to bring hope to those in need for the last 10 years. By continuing to raise funds this September, we will be able to provide much needed support for the year to come, providing a way to "Look Forward" in times of need.

We are happy to announce that we have a matching donor to a total of $10,000.

Purpose of the 2023 fundraiser - Funds will help afford life changing cancer treatment devices like broviac/port catheters (used for critical chemotherapy infusions, administration of medicines/fluids, as well as repetitive blood draws), prosthetic eyes (Retinoblastoma is a prevalent pediatric cancer in South Africa), as well as a variety of pediatric mobility devices, and other medical necessities. Funds will also help afford nutrition packages for those in need. During our visits to CANSA TLC in South Africa, we saw firsthand how the donations and the work done by CANSA TLC positively impacts families.

Background - Many ask why we run our annual campaign. In memory and honor of our Mom/Grandma and others' brave fight against cancer. They truly inspire us to give back! Since 2013 our family raised $232,000 for CANSA TLC, South Africa. Our 3 boys have been part of our fundraiser and awareness campaign since day 1. Our boys will be volunteering at PCRF (Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation) events in the US, as well as speak at school assemblies during the month of September. We encourage our kids to always look out for others, and there is something powerful about kids helping kids. A community effort spreads awareness and creates empathy and charitable hearts in all of us. Although we live in the US, we love, respect, and honor our roots and where we came from. We feel humbled and honored to work with CANSA TLC in South Africa every year.

Thank you in advance for considering a one-time donation! Our goal is to raise $25,000 in the US this September. Your support will truly touch a young life today! Your support will help provide a way to "Look Forward" during difficult times.

With grateful hearts - Vlok family...

Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) logo

We want to help lead the fight against cancer.


  • Nicole Stuhler
  • Lance Wood

    We love the Vlok family and their excitement, commitment, and inspiration around loving and supporting African families. It is such an honor to be able to be part of this. God is moving!

  • Alan Arnold

    Thank you Vlok family for making such a huge difference in so many people’s lives! God Bless! Alan & Jeannine Arnold

  • Joseph Santoro

    Every child around the world deserves a chance at a healthy full life.

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    Mark Ulrich