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Become an EduCare Ambassador!

Your monthly donation helps EduCare meet the needs of our students and generate life-changing outcomes for our youth. You choose how much to give each month (starting at $20), and you can change the amount or cancel at any time. And every month, you'll receive a special, Ambassadors-only inspirational note to thank you for your ongoing contribution to students.

Join the EduCare Ambassadors today – you'll be actively helping transform the lives of young people!

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 95-4285350

We believe that love is the foundation of education. EduCare's Heartset® Education is love in action.

Mid-sized organization


Become a supporter!


Become a supporter!

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 95-4285350

We believe that love is the foundation of education. EduCare's Heartset® Education is love in action.

Mid-sized organization