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The American School in Japan

Preparing students for global responsibility through international communities.


The American School in Japan is Tokyo’s oldest (founded in 1902) and largest international school. ASIJ provides a college-prep curriculum that is enriched by high-quality facilities, curricular innovation, talented faculty and staff and a broad range of activities and athletics.

Generous support from the ASIJ community helps to fulfill our mission of fostering a community of inquisitive learners and independent thinkers, inspired to be their best selves, empowered to make a difference. Every year, ASIJ community members directly impact ASIJs ability to provide an exceptional education through donations to the ASIJ Fund.

ASIJ is in the process of implementing its latest strategic design framework.



  • David Okamoto

    ASIJ made a true impact on me and contributed to my direction in life as a whole. Grateful!

  • Richard Tanaka
  • Catherine Kim
  • Chi On So