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Oscar Lang

Biking from Alaska to Patagonia for the Amazon

$3,495 raised

51 supporters

This fundraiser has ended. You can still support this nonprofit by visiting their profile

En español abajo.

I’m currently biking from the shores of the Arctic Ocean in Alaska all the way down to the tip of South America. This transcontinental ride will serve as a fundraiser for the Amazon Watch, a nonprofit dedicated to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of Indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin.

Along the roughly 25000km I will be sharing my own experiences and hope to do my best to approach the places I go through with a decolonized mindset, to show respect to the land and its inhabitants.

If this trip inspires you to participate in the fundraiser, you'll be helping one of the most important causes of our time!
Amazon Watch works in solidarity with Indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability, and the preservation of the Amazon’s ecological systems. The harrowing truth is that the tipping point for the Amazon rainforest is here and bold and immediate actions are necessary to make the tipping point a turning point. Already more than 20% of the rainforest has been deforested, and new fossil fuel extraction, mining, large-scale hydroelectric dams, clearings for animal agriculture and other developments cause even greater deforestation. Any amount you donate will go towards the current and urgent goal of protecting 80% of the Amazon by 2025

If you’d like to be updated on the trip you can follow @bikepactivist
Thank you for being a part of this!


Actualmente estoy andando en bicicleta desde las costas del Océano Ártico en Alaska hasta la punta de América del Sur. Este viaje transcontinental sirve para recaudar fondos para Amazon Watch, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a proteger la selva tropical y promover los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en la Amazonía.

A lo largo de aproximadamente 25000 km estaré compartiendo mis propias experiencias y espero hacerlo de la mejor manera, acercándome a los lugares que paso con una mentalidad descolonizada, mostrar respeto por la tierra y sus habitantes.

Si este viaje te inspira a participar en la recaudación de fondos, ¡estarás ayudando a una de las causas más importantes de nuestro tiempo!
Amazon Watch trabaja en solidaridad con organizaciones indígenas y ambientales en campañas por los derechos humanos, la responsabilidad corporativa y la preservación de los sistemas ecológicos de la Amazonía. La verdad es que el punto de inflexión para la selva amazónica está aquí y se necesitan acciones audaces e inmediatas para salvar lo que nos queda. Ya se ha deforestado más del 20% de la selva tropical y la nueva extracción de combustibles fósiles, la minería, la agricultura animal y otros desarrollos causan una deforestación aún mayor. Cualquier cantidad que sea donada, se destinará al objetivo actual y urgente de proteger el 80 % de la Amazonía para 2025

Si desea recibir información actualizada sobre el viaje, puede seguirme en @bikepactivist
¡Gracias por ser parte de este proyecto!


Amazon Watch logo
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 95-4604782

Protecting the Amazon rainforest and our climate in solidarity with Indigenous peoples

Small organization


  • Brenden McBrier

    Amazing to see your adventures Oscar! May you continue to travel with a pure imagination and a big heart!

  • Jessica de Marville-Mankong

    Thank you for the fundraiser and making me discover places along your way, showing the beauty but also the destruction of nature by humans.
    You are an inspiration !

  • Jean de Croy

    My friend Oscar is an absolute legend for taking this task! As he’s in Colombia and my mother is from there it felt very appropriate to donate! ❤️ Gracias Amigo!

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Amanda Moran

    Oscar you are the best!! Thank you for supporting Amazon Watch.

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    James Lang

    My son is involved in an overly-ambitious project to bike some 20K kilometers from Alaska to Argentina. I am wishing him safe travels, and hoping that others may donate to this cause, which will help protect indigenous people and also, in t...


$3,495 raised

51 supporters
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 95-4604782

Protecting the Amazon rainforest and our climate in solidarity with Indigenous peoples

Small organization